❦ 21st Record

Feb 02, 2011 17:03

[The writing is kind of messy and scrawly.]

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reach things that are really high up?

This could be a problem, if it lasts too long.



[Replies will be made with eatenbylight]

these cabinets are too tall, *quicklog, event: chibified, ❧Genius [Topher Brink], ❧Lea [Axel], event: pick your poison, ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ❧Youth [Maito Gai], ❧Mindelan (Peachblossom) [Keladry], halp!, ❧Sniper [Usopp], ❧Smoke [Sha Gojyo]

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