Title: Elation [Third Smile]
iarmella Pairing: AriYama, InooTome [slight], HikaYama (brotherly)
Rating: PG-13
Warning/s: Hints of .... and MPREG..you know the rest..:D
Summary: Yamada always got away from trouble because Hikaru covers up for him and Daiki. However, when he got pregnant, neither of them knew how to hide it from the world. Which
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Comments 4
next~ XD
yamada's being tortured again in the end T_T
aaaangg~ poor him T.T
cant wait for the another chappie <33 this was good as always and i like it <33
congrats for your scores, anyway xD
congrats for your success~ ^__________^
>.< poor yama-chan...
mrs and mr yamada.. be careful la!! yama-chan has ur grandchild inside him! >//<
~ can't wait for next chapter ..! ^_^ ~
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