iao131 Mar 07, 2007 21:12
love, buddhism, thelema, self-discipline, liber al vel legis, self-control, liber al, dhammapada, habits, harmlessness, discipline, killing, book of the law, harm, will
iao131 Mar 06, 2007 17:16
eightfold path, buddhism, thelema, self-discipline, self-control, right speech, crowley, speech, will
iao131 Feb 26, 2007 17:57
buddhism, thelema, thought, self-discipline, self-control, liber al, war, comparitive religion, fortress, joy, crowley, book of the law, hadit, love, suffering, direct experience, dhammapada, sorrow, agape
iao131 Jan 18, 2007 00:16
thelema, thought, self-discipline, restraint, yogananda, gandhi, action, senses, vivekananda, discipline, control, desire, bhagavad gita, understanding, speech, buddha