I know that it's suddenly a Thing - people with families (or not) are putting little decals on the back of their car/SUV/semi/whatever as cute representations of their families. I've always enjoyed seeing them, but I've been slow to join the pack.
So a friend of mine at work was pulling up as I was leaving, and I spotted some Star Wars decals on his car - him as Darth Vader, his wife as a female stormtrooper, and two mini Princess Leias as his two daughters. I just loved them, so I googled them when I had a chance and found them. There were tons of great options, and then I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and saw another link for a different set of stickers.
I sent the sites to Jenny, and we both liked this other set. I ordered them, received them yesterday, and now my geeky heart is filled with pride whenever I see them.
May I present the best family windshield decals ever :