I noticed an interesting thing not long ago. Part of living a happy life involves being enthusiastic about the things we love, right? Well, there are two ways to generate enthusiasm:
- Do something you love.
- Anticipate doing something you love.
We don't always get to do the things we enjoy. Just ask anyone stuck in a job they hate doing just so they can pay the bills. But I recall the long times where I was in one of those jobs, and I would get excited as I thought about my plans to go to school and become a counselor, writing a story, or whatever. It helped me to get through that tedium until now I'm doing something I love in both of my jobs, not to mention my hobbies, and other projects I have going on.
In other words, I constantly find reasons to be enthusiastic about things, either now or in the future, and it makes me happy. I teach new contractors coming into the Service Desk to do tech support for our clients, and I tell them that while being a contractor does really stink because of the lack of benefits, they have a wonderful opportunity in front of them to do something they really love after just a year or so. When the job gets tough and it feels like they are slogging through each day, anticipate something wonderful, and they'll perk right back up!
Anticipation is a fabulous attitude to help us get through hard times. What is Christmas Day without the anticipation for it through the month of December? My anticipation over moving into our new house gives me a huge smile and a bounce in my step. It's gotten me through a lot of trials.
Anticipation - one of the big secrets to daily happiness!