Feb 06, 2012 08:48
It's a funny thing - Jenny remembers her dreams constantly, but I really don't. I think I remember maybe 3-4 dreams every year, but I suppose it could easily be as high as 8 dreams if my brain is fuzzing out the exact amount correctly. I do know I will go weeks, months without remembering a single one, so when I do wake with a dream still in active memory, it tends to stand out.
What's more, her dreams are nearly always incredibly mundane. We're living with a family we know, but it's actually two different families that are just one family for some reason, and she has some conversation with me that makes her angry, or someone is trying to call someone else, yada yada yada. Pretty much super boring stuff.
But me? My dreams are always filled with awesome.
It's pretty sweet, actually. I love it when I remember my dreams because they are SO COOL. I'm just lucky, I guess.
So the other night, I woke up remembering my dream, and it really made me chuckle. I had died (don't know how), and I was on the other side as a spirit. And yeah, blah blah blah, the typical thing of family and friends being there, loved ones who came to meet and greet me, but the first thing I wanted to see?
Yeah, I totally wanted to see dinosaurs first. Go back in time and check them out for a while. And then next?
I wanted to see GIANT SQUIDS (and other current sea monsters). I was particularly excited to find out if there really was a leviathan, some huge critter living in the ocean that we'd never discovered and was TOTALLY AWESOME. I should mention that there was, indeed, some kind of leviathan, and it was as totally awesome as I had imagined, though I'm sad that I don't recall any actual details of what it looked like or anything. I hope it was Cthulu-esque, but all I can do is hope. And the whole time I was watching dinosaurs, I was going "SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" on the inside, wide-eyed wonder on the outside.
Now, I'm not placing any real religious significance on this dream or anything, but I woke up happy because I realized this was totally true. If I do die and find out there's another side after all, those are really the first things I want to see. Family friends blah blah blah. I want to see DINOSAURS! GIANT SEA MONSTERS!
Yep, my inner child is alive and well. :) I had a good day after I woke up from that dream.
EDIT: Decided this deserved its own new tag. I think I'll start recording my dreams here so I can remember them later. I have forgotten so many cool dreams, and it makes me sad.