Title: Hub Wars: The Apocalyptic Version
iantojjackhSummary: Owen brings about the Apocalypse
Characters: Ianto, Jack and Owen
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for
tw100 Challenge 265: Apocalypse. Follow up to Hub Wars story:
Lesson Learned? Hub Wars: The Apocalyptic Version
Jack had rebuffed Ianto's advances all day much to the dismay of the unusually hyper-randy Welshman.
After everyone was gone for the evening, Ianto finally exploded his pent up sexual frustrations causing quite the scene, ending with Ianto standing naked on Jack's desk with mistletoe hanging from his waist.
"What gives? Is this a sign of the Apocalypse? You not interested in sex?" Ianto flinched as a camera flash went off and Owen suddenly appeared.
"And I'm one of its four horsemen. Think of this as payback for the body-switch. I increased your sex drive and lowered his."