Lesson Learned?

Oct 15, 2012 18:49

Title: Lesson Learned
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: R
Characters: Jack, Ianto and Owen
Summary: Jack joins in Hub Wars. Does this put an end to the games?
Warning: Hub Wars Extreme!
Notes: written for tw100 Challenge 256: Freaky Friday. When I saw this week's prompt I knew this is the direction Hub Wars had to take. Sorry in advance

Lesson Learned?

"You both are dead!" Owen stood at the door, his mouth floundering to find the appropriate level of disgust for this latest stunt.

"It's weird hearing him say that in your body," Ianto turned to Jack in Owen's body.

"I know you two did this twice while I was away," Jack said flippantly as he slid his hand down his body, cupping the modest sized penis. "A bit smaller than mine, but it served its purpose."

"Hey, stop touching that! It doesn't belong to you. Why'd you join in tea-boy's twisted game?"

"NEVER tell Ianto I cheated on him."

insanity, ianto, tw100, jack, hub wars, drabble, owen

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