Just because.

Oct 16, 2012 10:01

I'm so screwed that classics_lover is overlord at comment_ficthis week. Let the plot bunnies come. This is from yesterday. I so need my vacation next week.

Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, "I bet you were spoiled rotten when you were a kid."

"I was not spoiled," Ianto rolled his eyes.

"But you were the favourite. I bet you were." Jack teased his half-dressed lover, snapping the band of his briefs.

"For my mum, maybe. Not my tad. I never fit into the mold of what a son should be. Though I reckon my mum only liked me as much as she did was because she wasn't all there and she saw me as her fluffy little cream puff that she could hold and squeeze." Ianto's tone turned serious as he looked away from Jack.

"You were a Chubby when you were a kid?" Jack tried not to laugh, but even the appearance of a laugh earned the immortal a sharp wrap to the back of the head.

"Yes. I was a bit overweight!" Ianto gritted his teeth, cursing in Welsh under his breath.

"But you are totally hot now and it's my job now to spoil you rotten." Jack was a ball of energy with a new game-plan. And it was titled Spoil And Pamper Ianto Jones Week.
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