Tripped Up

Dec 31, 2014 20:42

Title: Tripped Up
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: G
Characters: Jack, Ianto and Owen
Summary: Something is not right in the Hub.
Notes: Yes, I'm back after a very long spell. Cant promise there will be more. This is also written for tw100" challenge: Ate too much. This is for tardisjournal and merlottetrollop, since they are the ones who inspired this.

Tripped Up

Owen nearly tripped on something unseen and then a set of claws and teeth sunk into his left ankle. "What the hell?" he yelled and saw a grumpy and plump orange and white cat looking up at him. "When did we get a cat?"

"Ianto, there you are." Jack raced into the room and scooped the cat up. The cat purred as he was scratched behind the ear.

"Ianto?" Owen asked skeptically.

"That sphere that came through the rift last month did something to him. Whenever Ianto eats too much he becomes this cute furball."

Cat!Ianto hissed at the mean doctor.

ianto, tw100, jack, drabble, crack, owen

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