Torchwood Panel @ MegaCon 2014

Mar 25, 2014 19:28

The Torchwood panel was hysterical. It was the first time I've seen them together at a panel. I've been to a few with JB and GDL separately, so it was fun to see them all together. JB is an attention hog. The lighting was very poor in the room to only be using the camera on my phone and I had front row seats.

A lot of what was said was stuff that had been asked at prior cons a number of times and don't need to be reported here.

I think this was said in John's panel, but I forgot to put it in my update from there,  he's going to be filming some Arrow stuff this week.

Eve is breast feeding and she and John made comments about the size of her breasts and he not exploding during the panel.
Some of the highlights was that Countrycide was everyone's favourite episode to film. Eve made fun of John being prissy during filming. Think of how Owen was complaining, that was John.  Again they told the story of how Gareth knocked himself out on a bell in the bar of the castle they were staying in.
Then they told the story of how John peed in a fountain and Gareth pointed out there was CCTV in the area. John then tried to unbolt the fountain thing and the hotel manager came and was not too happy with them. According to Eve John's method of dealing with the situation was to take out his cheque book and ask how much for the damage. Also one night John went to Eves room because he thought the place was haunted and they snuggled through the night. Ericadawn16, if I got any of that wrong let me know.

To add more confusion, back in NYCCC, John told a story about the hothouse scene in Adrift where when they were fooling around and had each other's hands in their pants moving their hands around that at the end John said to Gareth I hope I didn't hurt your leg, to which the reply was that wasn't my leg. Later at NYCCC Gareth said that wasn't true and that the reverse happened, but John kept with the same story and Gareth did not correct him. He kind of looked embarrassed and kept his mouth shut.

Eve took blame for dragging the filming of the  scene out because she would not come in on cue and had fun looking in on them through the glass.

In more of the sexual fueled shenanigans of the crew, there was a time during filming (never said which episode) that Gareth had a problem with being aroused for now reason and. John being John made it difficult for him and brushed against his front when ever he got the chance. Ianto was filmed from the waist up that day and there was a remark by the continuity producer that there was no continuity for the erection.

As for the most emotional scenes to film, Gareth said it was the Lisa stuff and John/Eve said it was a scene in MD where Jack was tied up in the back seat of a car and Gwen was giving Jack up to the authorities to save her family. I can't recall the episode since it's been a long time I've seen the MD episodes.

On CoE there was meaning behind the numbers that Jack and Ianto were laid out in the morgue. 11 was for Ianto because John's birthday is on the 11th and 13 for Jack because John's mum's birthday is on the 13th.

That's all I can remember at this time. I'm sure there is stuff I missed but videos should be hitting YouTube soon or you can ask me if something particular was asked and hopefully it will jog my memory a bit.

non-fic, eve, gdl, john barrowman, cons

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