Title: Hidden Identity- Chapter 13/13
IantojjackhRating: PG
Summary: Were the 456 defeated? Will Ianto come back or does his new found immortality have its limits? Yet, It began in a bar on a cold fusion cruiser with a stranger named Alonso. From there Jack's life takes a turn he never expected.
Characters: Jack Harkness, Alonso Frame, Gwen Cooper,
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Comments 21
She's stubborn and feels as she has nothing left. Hopefully the boys will find the happiness they deserve.
I don't know what, if anything, that particular scene was setting up, but I do know that Moffat is planning to make use of the fact that Capaldi has played two roles in the DW/TW-verse previously. This is some of what Moffat said regarding that: I remember Russell [T Davies] told me that he had a big old plan as to why there were two Peter Capaldi’s in the Who universe: one in Pompeii and one in Torchwood. When I cast Peter and Russell got in touch to say how pleased he was, I said, ‘Okay, what was your theory and does it still work?” and he said, ‘Yes it does. Here it is…’
We’ll play that one out over time. It’s actually quite neat.
Source: http://www.kasterborous.com/2013/09/...ncluded-video/
I did 8). *Nods* Very sad, of course, because Alice will likely never forgive Jack for what he did, and he essentially had to do the same thing he did to defeat the 456 before (and this time, I imagine it affected him even more, since it was his own child he indirectly sacrificed), but nowhere near as bleak as the actual ending of COE, because Jack hasn't lost everything he loves. It's more of a bittersweet ending, really, and often times, those are the best kind :). *Nods again* Well done =)! *Applauds you*
Great work with this.
Hope they find that peace of mind that will help them to tolerate their long future.
awesome chapter!
You'll just have to read the epilogue to,see what they future brought them.
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