Tesco Special

Oct 15, 2013 10:11

Title: Tesco Special
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: PG
Summary: After the events in Cyberwoman, Tesco helps Ianto get at the truth
Characters: Ianto and Jack
Spoilers: Cyberwoman
Disclaimer: See profile
Notes: written for tw100 challenge 298: In Vino Veritas. I'm still feeling the events of Ny Comic Con from this past weekend. I thought my first post con piece would be something a little more fluffy but my tiredness won out.

Tesco Special

"Thank you," Ianto slurred his words as he crawled into Jack's lap and circled into a tight ball, sobbing.

Jack looked at the empty wine bottle on the floor; a cheap bottle from Tesco. The cheaper it is the harder it hits you. Conflicting emotions emerged within the Captain. He knew he should be furious at Ianto for his betrayal, but he could not bring himself to hate the broken man crying in his lap.

"It's okay." Jack didn't know what to say as he began to awkwardly rub Ianto's back.

"You did what I should have done months ago."

cyberwoman, ianto, angst, tw100, jack, drabble

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