Full report of NY Comic Con Day 3

Oct 14, 2013 10:39

Gareth's panel...what could I say about it. It was pretty awesome and was a strict Q&A for an hour. There were lots of great moments and some of the bullet points of my favourite moments were:

-He debunked John's story in his panel about while filming the hothouse scene in Adrift that while they had each their hands down the other's pants that John accidentally kept hotting his knob (Gareth's word), but Gareth said it was the opposite and he touched John and it was slimy.

-Said that if he had to describe John in one word it would be penis.

-It's his head canon that Ianto is probably a bit OCD because of all the emotional chaos in his life that organising everything was his way to control something.

-He saw Jack and Ianto as a Romeo and Juliet type of love story and was not destined to end well, but it seem more focused on the fact that Ianto was mortal if I had the nerve to ask I should have asked about what he saw for them if Ianto was immortal. Then he mentioned something about Jack/Face of BoE and that limits the things you can do with only a head.

-That if Ianto was to come back a live that he would want him to be a dark character, tainted was one of the words he used.

-He mentioned the story of when he knocked himself out for about three minute on a bell during the filming of Countrycide. Apparently this was a castle in the Becons where they stayed during filming and it's also where he got married. The place also raised the bell about four feet since the incident.

-He's in talks about doing some possible American funded shows. Hmmm is Arrow American funded? I know it's filmed in Canada.

-He thinks himself funnier than John and said John likes to twist things around

-If he had to chose between Jack and Lisa, Ianto would chose both and there might have been mention of a threesome

After his panel, merlottetrollop, TARDisjournal and I ran over to get into John line for autographs and the line was insanely long and we were eventually kicked off the line before long for fire hazard reasons. Cue the sadness and depression, but seriously how could they have made any Torchwood fan choose between Gareth and John? Sulked a bit until it was time for photo op time. I had two photos taken. Where the one I had Saturday was cute, these two are hilarious (photos will come later. They are are home and I'm at work and the dumb photo company sent me the wrong copy).

After that it was time to see if we could get back into John's autograph line, but was told it was closed. Cue more sadness and near tears, but thank goodness for arnica wonderful wonderful soul who managed to get us onto John's line. Seriously I cannot thank you enough for pulling that off.

If it wasn't that then I wouldn't have had my funniest moment con moment. I still can't believe I did this. Well at John's table he had books, CD and photos for sale and his delicious husband Scott was handling the money end. So when it came time for my purchase I ended up getting $15 in change and Scott handed it to me in all singles. For some reason I cracked the comment "Now I can go to the strip club" and to which Scott starts doing this little dance and I reach over over and try to stick a dollar in the top of his shirt and he then lifts up his shirts and then I reach to stick it in his trousers. Yeah, I have no idea where that came from.

Then it was onto getting for of John's autobiographies signed as well as a yummy picture of him in a suit from Arrow.

All in all it was an awesome weekend. A fan girls dream come true. Both Gareth and John are really sweet and not at all fake.

And now 18 more days to the next con which I had planned on going to just because of Gareth and before he was announced at NY comic con. With this next one being so small I was scared that he would backlit from it, but I asked him directly if he was still going and he said yes.

While you wait enjoy this pic of John I took in his autograph line.

scott, gdl, john barrowman, cons, pics

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