Join ianthinus for updates, posting access, &c. ... ! Yes, it's been quite a stream of textures coming from me lately, and I'm happy to say that I'll be taking a break from them for a while... perhaps some new masks to come soon. While I really enjoyed making them and got some of the nicest comments I've ever had on them, I feel as though I've exhausted my need for them at present, and don't tend to make things that I don't need anymore for long. Although... yes, it's back to masks for me... and perhaps some things for larger graphics. Yes, that should be fun. ^__^
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Click here to download: Yes, yes. I know I lied on me making something different this time, but I came back to my computer after an atrociously long day of school and wanted to finish off this style with a flourish. But -- I promise. Something new for tomorrow's resources!