Families in Singapore

Feb 28, 2009 03:52

DSCN0622, originally uploaded by Ian (yes, another one).
I spent a week in Singapore with family.

It also involved a bunch of planning and some technology shopping. I got most of what I needed, but not all my planning done. There are photos of Funan Technology Mall on

Oh, and SE Asia is really really humid. This is why Singapore has Funan DigitalLife Mall instead of a specialised shopping street like Tottenham Court Road.

We went to the Bukit Timah nature reserve, which includes some primary rainforest - so, my first ever visit to rainforest. The height of the canopy, and the size of the buttress roots, were amazing - but the sound of the rainforest was the most striking thing. Here, the middle of a major city, was the constant cricketing and chirrupping of untold unseen birds and insects.

Nearby, live crowds of Macaque monkeys who have lost their shyness of humans. They approach, looking very sweet, and very human, and looking for food. Precisely because they have come to expect humans to feed them, they can attack and bite. Later, I saw a couple of vicious short-lived fights, including one broken up by a mother, babe still clinging to her belly, throwing herself against the aggressor. They are not cute.

Two mothers approached us with two children, looking at us as they groomed each other. I knew they were really just hoping for food, but still felt like two primate families looking eye to eye.
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