Mar 28, 2006 21:59
I don't believe i'm doing so great in creative writing and i've been very fearful of letting others read my writing. There is no avoiding it now though, my short story will be critiqued by all my peers next week and I turned in my poems that will be critiued within the month. I had a list of my poems handing during the "Tuesday Voices" session and no one was going anymore so I finally said screw it, nothing ventured nothing gained. Better now to try than with people who wouldn't understand. I read my first poem I liked and got a good amount of applause on it. Mr. Herris looked impressed and Stephen Caldwell Wright pointed to me as I sat down and said to another teacher "I'm glad I got to hear him read". When it was all over Mr. Wright told me that he loved my poem and that he hopes it's the one to break me into writing and get me started. I was left speechless(well I wish I was cause then I thanked him like only a babbling fool was capable of). So yay to that. I'm convinced i'm just barely going to pass creative writing though.