Ravencon this weekend

Apr 23, 2015 15:06

Another weekend, another convention. The next month is going to be filled with opportunities for me to get exhausted.

This weekend, it's a new one for me: Ravencon, in Richmond, Virginia. As always, I'll be spending a lot of time at the Fantastic Books table in the dealers' room. And since we're launching three books this weekend (Allen Steele's "Tales of Time and Space", Bud Sparhawk's "Distant Seas", and Tom Purdom's "Romance on Four Worlds" -- all of which received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly), I'm hoping to be very busy. But I won't be chained to the table all weekend, because I'm also on programming. My schedule, as far as I know it at the moment, is:

Friday at 6PM in Ballroom C: "85th Anniversary of Astounding Stories" with Bud Sparhawk.

Saturday at 3PM in Anna: "The Business End" with Rob Balder, Karen McCullough, and D. Alexander Ward.

Saturday at 5PM in Bon Air: "Fantastic Books Book Launch" (where we officially debut those books) with Tom Purdom, Bud Sparhawk, and Allen Steele.

Saturday at 9PM in Cove: "Schmoozing 101" with R.S. Belcher, Kevin Kelleher, and KT Pinto.

Saturday at 11PM in Chesterfield: "The Eye of Argon" with Gail Z. Martin and Michael A. Ventrella.

Sunday at 1PM in Ballroom E: "Let's Build a Space Habitat" with Jim Beall, Paula S. Jordan, Allen Steele, and Michael Z. Williamson.

Okay, that's a lot. Looks like I'm going to be busy this weekend. Hope to see some of you there!

conventions, fantastic books, appearances

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