Locus likes "Romance on Four Worlds"

Apr 17, 2015 14:00

Paul Di Filippo has some very good things to say about Tom Purdom's new book, Romance on Four Worlds. In his review in Locus, Paul writes, "This whole moderately transhuman milieu of the initial adventure... llustrates Purdom's ability and desire to write the best postmodern SF that he can.... it's not any off-the-shelf inhabited Solar System scenario, but a clever fleshing out of trends visible in our present day." and also "Purdom succeeds in fashioning some farcical yet genuinely speculative and authentic romps along themes that are noticeably and regrettably absent from so much SF." Read the whole review at this link. And chuckle (as I did) as Paul says "For two decades now, Tom Purdom has slowly and slyly, regardless of my dim-witted inattention, been building up a series of stories centered on a fellow who might be succinctly -- if reductionistically -- described as an 'interplanetary Casanova.'"

fantastic books, review

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