Encounter on the subway

Nov 10, 2011 00:49

I rode the subway into Manhattan today, which used to be an everyday occurrence, but not so much of late (since I've been working from home). As usual, I had a book I was reading. And as usual, I put it down as the train went over the Manhattan Bridge, so I could look out the windows (I always say, I'm only paying a dollar for the ride; the rest of the fare is for the view).

As we were on the downslope into Manhattan, the lady sitting next to me looked at the book on my lap (Life in the White House: A Social History of the First Family and the President's House edited by Robert P. Watson) and asked me about it, because she's interested in the presidents, too. We got to talking, and I never got back to reading the book. But she expressed interest in my book, and I was able to pull out the one copy I carry with me. She was interested in reading it, so I wrote down the title for her. First time I've done that, but it was a great start to the day.

The rest of the day was good, too. Brief business meeting, lunch, walk down Broadway, and then home for WORK WORK WORK. Now I'm headed off to sleep so I can get an early start on the day tomorrow, and head up to New England early for Anthocon. Hope to see some of you there.

appearances, presidential trivia, writing, book

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