Mar 04, 2010 00:47
Am I the only one? I spend so much time writing in html (for posts on SFScope, mostly) that when I'm typing in my word processor, I find myself typing "less-than sign" "i" "greater-than sign" and then back-spacing them out before hitting CTRL-i to italicize something. That, however, isn't as bad as when I type "ampersand" "pound sign" "8" "2" "1" "2" "semicolon" before remembering I have to pull down the "insert character" menu to get the em-dash. And every time I see an ampersand when I'm editing, I feel the need to add "amp;" after it. It's almost like when I was learning Hebrew and French at the same time, and would grab a word from the other language if I didn't remember it in the language of the class I was in.