the point of esbats

Nov 16, 2010 13:27

  • I wrote the following in response to a question in
Little Circle on the Plain performs a handful of Full Moons each year, and one or two Dark Moons.

Full Moons are fairly consistent:
1.  After invoking the Lady, the Lord, and the Revealer into the priest, priestess, and herald of the day, we do "boons".*  That is, each person in turn can sprinkle a little incense on the charcoal as an offering and state out loud what we are asking for.  After the person gets done speaking, the Lady, and/or Lord, and/or Revealer may speak to the individual, hug her/him, etc.
2.  After boons, we do any work needed: consecrations, healing candles, etc.
3.  Then the Lady & Lord perform the Cup Blessing leading into wine & cakes.

Dark Moons, on the other hand are very inconsistent.  They tend to be simpler, more inward focused, and intimate.  We do not normally allow guests at Dark Moons.

* I emphasize the invocations of the Lady, Lord, and Revealer, as their incarnate presence is the foundation of the experience during boons.  In a real sense, the point of our Full Moons is to be *in their presence*.  Obviously, this can't happen in a solitary ritual, though one can connect with the triad in other ways.

This makes me think:  I wonder how many Witches and covens that perform esbats can state the *point* of their esbats.

ritual, blue triskele wicca

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