(no subject)

Jul 11, 2006 14:13

i haven't really said anything as far as sunday is concerned.
and i don't really intend to fingerpoint or pass blame to people.
as easy as it could be.

i've never worked as hard for something as i did for this release.
i started working at kmart in april, and have since then put every
penny i made ( excluding gas for getting to work ) in to getting
this album made.

for all of may and june. i would wake up, drive over to lukes house
and record until four thirty if i worked. leave straight from lukes
to work. work til ten thrity. see jessica for an hour or so at most.
and go back home to sleep. and repeat. for two straight months i did
that. i had no time to myself. or my friends, outside of luke, isaac,
tim, and darron. and even then, we were working.

the week leading up to the show, i was going on four hours of sleep a
night if i was extremly lucky. i was at andys til five or six am a couple
nights, getting the screens set, and ready. i designed the inserts, and
developed the idea for the cases. i was driving to brunswick,
kent, canton, and akron gathering supplies i'd need to make the cds.
i ordered cds, and slips online. put in a last minute order to jakprints
to get the inserts printed, and picked them up the friday before the show.
i didn't go to sleep saturday night. was up from saturday morning til sunday
night. getting the cd cases screened and copying cds. andy helped fold all
the inserts. my mom, isaac, and rian cut and glued all the cases together.
luke came over and finished off copying all the cds before leaving to get
stuff ready for the show.

on top of all that. two days before the show, we found out that our friend
nick wouldn't be mastering the tracks. despite what he had been saying up to that
point. so that was added to the list of to do's.

all the time and effort from all those people, and all the money and planning
that went in to this night was a complete waste. we didn't get the chance to
play our show.

people drove hours, and even planned a vacation to ohio from florida to make this.
people leaving the country this week droped plans to make it to akron to see us play.

in being a band for five years, this would be our first full length release. and
we did every single thing ourselves from begining to end.

to say the least, this was very important to us.

i didn't make this post to get pity. it's mostly just for me to look
back on. as well as to let people that keep saying ' chill out, it's just a
show ', ' calm down, it happens ' or anything else along those lines,
that for us it wasn't just another show.
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