I finished! OK, so it hasn't been washed or blocked yet, but it's finished enough to take a finished picture! Yay!
(I have no head because I'm not feeling too photogenic today.)
So, to summarize:
Weasley sweater patternYarn:
Cleckheaton 8-ply Country Naturals in shade1812 for the main colour and shade 1805 for the initial
So it's only a couple of days after the end of the Olympics, right? I didn't do too bad. I'm so happy with it! Too bad it won't be cold enough to wear it for a while (like... next winter). I wish the sleeves were a bit longer, but I can probably fix that when I block it (after class tomorrow).
I started Rene's SS/CoS-style Slytherin scarf today.. it looks like it should go pretty quickly, yay!
PS, if I ever open a yarn store, I'm going to call it the "Knitting Niche!" Aren't I clever??