When a comedy channel produces a comedy show with a liberal slant, that's ok, because its a comedy channel. And if hundreds of thousands of frustrated college-age Americans appreciate having their disgust and confusion recited back to them in the form of sarcastic humour, that's ok, because we all feel like we need a voice. People who watch the Daily Show aren't being brainwashed, because we already feel that way.
But when Fox News, a news channel, produces a fake news show (intentionally and admittedly) where the point is to bash liberals exclusively, it makes it so obvious what Fox is trying to sell you with the rest of their programming. With the exception of bad acting and campy jokes, The 1/2 Hour News Hour doesn't contrast well with the rest of the biased programming they try to pass off as real news.
I guess my point is that if you're going to try to rip of a comedy show and attempt to make conservatism hip by slandering liberals, you shouldn't do it on a news channel where news reporters are trying get away with the same thing in their news reports.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=3WCNc7JZ24kI linked it. But, don't watch it. I mean... I shouldn't even waste my time complaining about it.