Big Brother Australia 2007 - Another Gay In The Village

Jun 12, 2007 15:30

25 year-old Melbourne corsetiere Zach entered the Big Brother house last night, becoming the second gay guy (first gay 28 year-old Nick, a nurse from Victoria) to appear on the television show this season.

Entering the house in a formal suit and, yes, a corset that he made himself, Zach really wore his gayness on his sleeve. “Are you a fashion designer?” was the first questions asked of the new housemate. “I make corsets,” replied Zach.

“Look at that bloody get up mate,” commented Travis, “he looks like he’s from the Cadbury’s ad”. A few minutes later, Travis probed the new housemate even more. “Have you got a corset on mate? Give us a look at what a bloody corset looks like.” Travis’ verdict of the gayest piece of clothing the Big Brother house has ever seen? “It looks smart as, mate. It looks good.”

After just a day in the house, an unlikely bond seems to be developing between the ocker Aussie truckie Travis and the young gay boy Zach. Despite Zach admitting before entering that he would clash with Travis because he was “too much of a bogan” the two have been bonding over relationship advice. Last night Travis told Zach that he and his wife were friends for a long time before marrying. “Why doesn’t that happen in gay world?” asked Zach.

“You’ve got the character, you’re a good looking bloke,” said Travis. “You’re not going to struggle out there mate. There’ll be blokes out there with your poster on their walls. There bloody will mate! I’m telling you…are there any magazines like Dolly for gay blokes? What I mean is, I reckon you’d be a bloody icon-y thing!”

A few minutes late, Travis revealed that used to deliver beers to gay bars in Melbourne and the workers were always helpful. “One of my good mates, his brother is gay. He’s the nicest bloody bloke. But it doesn’t worry me. It’s only who you sleep with. You don’t change as a person. Why would it matter? You only spend about 10% of your life on the work bench [that’s Travis’ term for a bed], the rest of it you’re out living life so why are you any different? You’re welcome here buddy, course you are mate. You’re as welcome as anyone else is.”

This could be the start of something beautiful…

Since February 4, 2006

big brother

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