5 reasons to be cheerful:
1) At the moment it feels like summer is here! At the back of my mind is the fear it won't last, but for now at least it's properly hot (by my standards at least) and this makes me happy. I think my moods are very much dictated by the weather.. if it's a bright day then I'll automatically feel much more positive about it.
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Comments 9
*sigh* No more Heroes here until fall due to the writers strike. But they are back in production, and announced a new character who is going to be Hiro's nemesis, apparently. As if he'll need another one (you'll see what I mean by the end of series 2). Though I suppose there's no rest for the heroic. Ooh, also, I got this awesome hardcover of the collected Heroes comics -- it rocks and is so much better than trying to read them online. A must have! Ask for it for your birthday! :)
Weather-wise, it's snowing right now. Yeah, that's right, I said snowing. It's crap.
Snowing? Blimey. Sadly the sun has gone here and the rain's back. Very high chance that the last few weeks were as close to summer as we're going to get. :( I've convinced myself the rain is just temporary though, and the sun will return by next week. It better!
Sunny again today. Maybe it will stay a while.
Meant to wish you a happy birthday; hope you've been having a decent birth month, at least...
Temporarily relocated from Honolulu to Alameda again, just for 5 weeks, but reasons to be cheerful:
1. I'm with my cats. :)
2. Got a new toy/tool on which I am currently banging. :)
3. Sun's shining but the air is cool. :)
4. Wildfire is over there, not here. :)
5. Not commuting. :?
Q. Do you have a Facebook i.d.? Georgias Maximus does...
Come on, it'll be fun... Didn't you say you miss playing games and chatting on HPForums? It'll be (almost) like old times, only newer... :->
I'll be looking for your luscious purpleness; don't take too long... ;->
(Says the month-long voiceless one...)
So how ya doin'?
Don't take that too seriously. I'm not as angry as that may make me sound! That implies I'm a bit angry. Fear not, I'm not. Although I do miss regular posting. But that's very hypocritical of me. But then you must know to have lower expectations of me..!
I have not changed my calendar to June yet so I can't quite imagine it's almost over. This year is going too quickly.
I'm doon alright thanks, and how about yourself?
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