(no subject)

May 11, 2008 00:49

5 reasons to be cheerful:

1) At the moment it feels like summer is here! At the back of my mind is the fear it won't last, but for now at least it's properly hot (by my standards at least) and this makes me happy. I think my moods are very much dictated by the weather.. if it's a bright day then I'll automatically feel much more positive about it.

2) Heroes is back on the box... We're on series 2 so no doubt trailing behind you but it's all good.

3) Birthday is coming up soon

4) What must have been the longest and most incredibly boring night of my life is OVER! People who play the recorder really must accept that it still sounds crap however 'advanced' you are. Still, moaning at the end of it gave me the biggest laugh since the end of oxford murders last week.. If you're considering seeing this then I have some advice.. definitely don't.

5) Absolutely anything can happen on the future... with good fortune, a postive attitude and a bit of effort life could get better and better all the time.. it is what you make it and anyone can make it good. That's got to be something to smile about.

How about yours?
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