And the season finale reaction postage continues...

May 21, 2008 22:05

holy fucking shit. i am stunned. STUNNED.

I truly was not expecting that.  But now I'm torn between LOLing at the Archie fangirls/VFTWers and worrying for Archie's safety.  But that was the upset of the century, man.  The whole season they've been priming Archie to win but there was just no way they could justify giving it to him after Cookie got so many more votes.  I just hope he doesn't fall victim to the Idol curse. D:

WTF, I CAN'T EVEN BE HAPPY MY GUY WON. I think I'm even more paranoid than Hodgins.

I'm going to be watching FW like a hawk for the next few days b/c somewhere on the Interbutt, some glorious AI wank must be brewing.

american idol

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