Moar TV reactions

May 20, 2008 22:41

Cut for spoilage and capslock and all that good stuff.


Honestly, I figure there's no way in hell Cookie's gonna pull it off, but I'm fine with it, b/c he's totally going to sell more records anyway.  But I do think Archie is one of the most overrated AI contestants ever.  Can no one else see that he was zero versatility whatsoever?  He does power ballads and that's it.  Remember when he tried to sing an uptempo song?  I was really hoping he'd do something painfully bawkward like that tonight and be entertaining for once, but he let me down.  And Cookie... did anyone else get the impression that he didn't give a shit?  I mean, he probably knows as well as everyone else that AI has been priming Archie to win all season long, he's going to get a record deal anyway, and he was just having fun up there and singing because he loves it and not because he wants to win.  Honestly, I'm not sure I want him to win, either. Most of the time, it seems AI runners-up fare better than the winners.  And I gotta say, the judges' excessive verbal fellatio toward Archie got old fast.  I know they've already hand-picked their winner but they could at least pretend it was a competition, ya know?

The highlight of the evening?  The little clip of Danny in the ending montage.  I really wish he'd made the Top 12 so he would grace the stage with his presence once more tomorrow night.  Maybe they'll let him sing, anyway?  He provided many a memorable moment and was definitely one of the highlights of the most lackluster season of AI to date.

Doctor Who
Yeah, I know I'm hella late and all, but I finally watched the latest ep today so I'm all caught up.  First off, I'm feeling increasingly disillusioned with DW this season. IDK why.  As much as I adore Donna, I'm not really feeling any of the episodes. Nothing has blown me away with awesome as previous seasons have.  And this might be an unpopular opinion (cos I never have those!), but I really hated "The Doctor's Daughter."  First off, the trailer was really misleading.  Second, Jenny was annoying.  Third, the plot was so predictable and the whole way Jenny was created was, for lack of a better term, stupid.  Fourth, I felt sorry for Martha, and I don't even like Martha, WTF. Fifth, fish people.  I'm sorry.  I could deal with cat people and farting slitheens but fish people was just too much.  Sashimi, anyone? And then Jenny was alive at the end and I was like "awww, shit" because that means she's coming back for another ratings stunt later.

I liked "The Unicorn and the Wasp" a little more.  It was a fun, lighthearted filler ep and reminded me a bit of "Tooth and Claw."  There were some really funny moments, like the Doctor "detoxing" (and Ten/Donna kissage!  Eeeee!  Mustnotshipthemmustnotshipthemmustnotshipthemarrghghhhhhh).  I know it seems odd that the giant bee thing didn't annoy me as much as fish people but what can I say, I'm weird.  Honestly, I don't think the fish people themselves were that bad, it was just their presence in what I had already deemed a stupid episode.  And if you loved the ep, more power to you, but I ask you not to argue its merits to me b/c I am just not in the mood for that now, especially after arguing about politics with some numb nuts at a party this past weekend (for the record, it wasn't just me; he was going around picking fights with about everyone there).

You know, I think this is the first time I've ever blogged about this show. I watch it, but most of the time can't be arsed to write a reaction, since I already do that for so many of my shows and I'm a lazy ass.  I'm only writing now b/c the finale is apparently the Episode that Launched a Thousand Wanks (just check Fandom Wank, if you're curious).  I have to say this season has really been a downer for me.  Seriously... it was just incredibly depressing.  A lot of SPN fans are up in arms over the apparently misogynnistic nature of the show, and I'm going to have to agree.  I'm no diehard feminist but it does seem that women=evil is a big theme this season (not so much in the previous seasons, although demons did seem to be in the habit of appearing as beautiful women).  There was the witch coven episode, named after one of the most notoriously misogynist texts in history, what I find to be appalling treatment of the major female characters this season (particularly Bela), and the big bad is even female.  The female villain thing normally wouldn't bother me, but on top of all the other crap already, ya know?  About the whole Dean being a sexist asshole thing, I ain't touching that with a 10-foot pole, but I will admit that he was definitely juggling the Idiot Ball and Douche Ball quite a bit.  I was so pissed at him in the finale, omg.  I was totally Team Ruby.  She is my favorite character atm, which is probably an exceedingly unpopular opinion, but whatevs, man.  She was interesting, ambiguous, and brought a new element to the show that I really liked (the possiblity of a good demon).  Plus she was hot.  Way to shoot that all to hell, writers.  I didn't even care that Dean died b/c frankly, he was acting like a fucking moron and brought it on himself.  I do feel sorry for Sam, though.

Ugh, I am just so sick of the treatment of female characters on this show (beyond one-episode wonders, that is).  I'd rather have no female characters at all than have them treated the way they are right now.  I was all right with Ellen and Jo being written off (even if I was in the minority and liked both of them), but the violent and disturbing ends both Bela and Ruby met just really bothered me.  Sure, they were flawed characters, but I didn't feel they deserved it, especially not Bela.  Ugh, fail, Kripke.  Epic fail.

Wow, I was madder than I thought, lol. *is rather hesitant to leave this public*

I still need to get caught up on Smallville (although i've been spoiled).  That oughtta be a blast.  Damn finals, interfering with my TV schedule.

doctor who, supernatural, american idol

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