David Boreanaz looks hot in stunnas.

Nov 01, 2006 22:40

WTF, Deepest Sender?  It posted my entry to the wrong LJ.

OK, anyway, now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Happy Belated Halloween, all!

Now for some show reactions. Most of them are in the form of disjointed random thoughts, since I'm not feeling particularly articulate tonight.

- Holy starfish batman, with all the inter-office hanky panky going on, this show is becoming Grey's, but with more dead bodies. Not that I mind. :p
- CASSIDY AND CELESTE KANE! When fandoms collide!
- David Boreanaz looks hot in stunnas.
- I really like David in this show, possibly more so than on Angel. I think Booth suits him better. He's got good comic timing and I like watching him in a lighter, less angsty role.
- Booth/Bones hotness in the final scene! Yeeaahhh!
- Angela and Hodgins (sp?) are cute.
- Zach always cracks my shit up. He's so adorably nerdy.
- Dude, I'm so waiting for this show to pull a Grey's and have... erm, that weird table they put the bones on bangaga. Cos that would rule.

- Aww, they killed Mr. Eko. I liked him. :(
- Holy crap, Jack doing chin-ups. HOT. He can come play Doctor with me anytime!
- OMG, WTF did I capitalize Doctor? *is going crazie*
- I really like Juliet. She's so mysterious. And pretty. And no, I'm not jumping ship so all you Jaters can rest easy. :p
- Desmond's accent is hot.
- I am so sick of friggin' Skate already. Cut to the chase and get it over with already, GOD.
- For some reason Kate is really annoying me lately. I can't say why. She just is (although I still love Evi). I know some with fiercer character loyalty than I will say I'm turning my back on her, but I never had fierce Kate love like my Jack love or Shannon love. I mean, I like her, but not the way I love Jack and loved Shannon.
- I don't know, this show is starting to lose me now. I never really liked it as much after they killed off Shannon, and it's just pissing me off that the characters I love keep dying and the ones I don't love so much keep living.
- Speaking off which, kill off the damn hobbit already.
- R.I.P. Jesus stick! *tear*

I was sorely tempted to do NaNo but I didn't know you could do it with fanfic! Is it too late to enter? Cos I totally will now that fanfic is part of the equation. I have a shitload of fics to write, and I vow to make a dent in that list in the coming weeks. I'm heading back to school next semester and will most likely be working, so now's the time to write and make myself useful. And I know me... I'll procrastinate fotever unless I have a deadline or some kind of structure.

Which reminds me, I swear to Bob I will finish my DW ficathon fic tonight. I told the ladies in charge I'd be a few days late, and I vow to finish it ASAP. And then I'll need a quick and dirty beta who does not mind reading NC-17. Ten and Rose, hot angsty bangbang. Any takers?

I also have two more skanks to welcome to the army... so welcome, stoptheqtip and ravenscanary! Remember, on Wednesdays we wear pink!

Bah, hurry up, VM torrent!

doctor who, lost, bones

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