msscribe, is that you?

Oct 29, 2006 23:18

And we have yet more wank in the illustrious DW fandom!  This time it's, shockingly, not the usual destination but an illustrious community dedicated to a certain actor we all know and want to shag love.  The story in a nutshell: 
soffmills posts to
billie_love, and a few other comms with a tinhattish post entitled "Is it me or does Billie fancy David?"  Most people didn't take it seriously until some mice showed up at
tennant_love to illuminate us with their tinhattery insights.  A friend of mine was suspicious and checked out our OP's profizzle.  Wow, no entries, no friends, only a few communities and all D/R and DT/BP-related. The LJ was created roughly eleven days before the post linked here.  The plot thickens further when, upon being challenged, one of our mice bahleetes their comment!  Unfortunately, neither my friend nor I being mods, couldn't be plucky girl detectives and get an IP check.  But I wager it would be interesting.

Now, I'm not trying to imply anything with this, but... ahh hell, I am.  It wouldn't be the first time someone in fandom created a sock for lulz.  I give you the invasion of trolls in the HP fandom following the post-HBP fallout.  And we can't forget
msscribe, can we?  Ahh, gotta love my wanky fandom.  With no new episodes to feed the wank, we have anon memes and socks!  With a bonus--BNFs showing up to poke the troll!

ETA: And our sockish friend strikes again! Also, more mice!

Oh, and an entreaty to everyone on my flist... where are these batshit shippers of which everyone speaks (in the DW fandom I mean)?  Because I really want to know.  I swear, for all the time I've been in the fandom (since about early S2) I have not seen these scary aggressive batshit shippers.  Some exceedingly teenyboppish ones, yeah, and lots of badfic, but no batshititude on par with say, the Harmonians on FW or or the "duck" variety of B/A shippers.  Petition girl went a bit far, true, but she wasn't particularly wanky or aggressive.  I'm serious, people.  I want to know where all the crazies are hiding.  And not just vague stuff like "oh, there were some crazies on T&C a while back" blah blah.  I want links!  I want names!  Provide the bored one with some lulz!

And in a final bit of nitpickery, I'm getting really tired of people saying Rose/Nine has so much more chemistry than Rose/Ten. Now, I'm not one to get blinded by Ten love, but siriusly... WTF??  Yes, the dynamic is different.  Maybe you liked the dynamic between Rose/Nine better.  And that's fine; I'm not going to argue with that.  But don't even try to tell me Rose and Ten don't have heaps of chemistry, or I will tell you that you are blind, delusional, or both.  I might prefer Rose/Ten, but I have never felt the need to diss Rose/Nine to make my point (and hello!  It's the same character!)  I swear the Nine-vs-Ten wars are almost as retarded as the Rose-vs-everyone else wars.

In other news, RL sucks right now.  I hate having shit to do.  I have some serious writing to catch up on, but I can't do it thanks to all this crap I have to do.  It's so much more fun procrastinating and dorking around online!

I had some RL stuff I could write about, but I usually save that for flocked posts, so maybe later.

doctor who, wank

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