I really need a pepsi

Oct 26, 2006 13:11

RTD officially pwns you all.  Best. Interview. Evah.  I have mad respect for producers/writers who don't pander to certain loud and aggressive groups of online fen (Joss, are you listening?)  Joss lost a lot of my respect for that, and not just b/c I am not a part of the loud vocal group in question.  I have mad respect for JKR for not pandering to Harmonian extremists, and trust me, no one would be happier than me to see the R/Hr ship sunk with a weighted life jacket.  But hey, if that was JKR's vision, then I respect that, and I totally give her props for not pandering to fans with an overinflated sense of entitlement.  Rock on, JKR and RTD.

On a related vein, am I the only R/D-phile who wears the "batshipper" title with pride now?  Kinda like how Buffy/Spike shippers took the term "spuffy" and embraced it.  Batshippage fotevah!

I need a new LJ layout.  As much as I love the pink, my eyes are getting kinda tired from the small font and having to read white text on a pink background.  Sigh, web design reminds me of shoes in a way... you adore those really cute pink stiletto sandals, but walk on them too long and your feet start to ache and make you long for those boring but comfortable chucks that were once white but now look beige and have random stuff doodled on them in ballpoint pen.

Gorrammit, my eye is twitching again.

doctor who

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