Sep 08, 2007 01:24
So today was a decent enough day...
I had a phone interview with the company matt works for, then was asked to come in for an in-person interview, which went fairly well. I was happy that the ladies interviewing me actually knew how to conduct a job interview, though they had a LOT of I should know something by next week.
On another job note, I officially didn't get that graphic design job. The art director for that company called me to let me know, which was actually rather considerate of him. He mentioned that I have the skill set and was a good candidate, but that there were a large number of other candidates that had really impressive books/portfolios, and he mentioned and I should stick it out and work on my book, and he was pretty nice about it. I wasn't expecting to get that job, so when he called I wasn't surprised.
Later this afternoon, I met with Sophia, my first bridal client, and signed the contract to shoot her wedding. I also received a retainer. Man...that was a very cool feeling...followed by utter nervousness when I saw how many groomsmen (15!!!) and brides maids (15!!) there are....I'm worried as shit about how I'll pose that many people...jesus christ! So basically, I'm nervous, but still optimistic that I'll pull it off.
After that, I finished my math homework, even though I really didn't want to. I was happy that I did. Go me! After the homework, I went and chilled with adam at his new job at the gaming center. I sat and played video games for a few hours, which was a lot of fun, and definitely needed.
Well, off I go! I'll post more soon! I'm hoping to shoot something this weekend, if even just sample product shots.
-Bradley B.
P.S. I spoke with one of the regulars at Barnes (Dale, mentioned in my last post) about taking pictures of he & Jesse. He seemed open to it. I got his phone number, and I told him I'd call him once I've run into Jesse and had a chance to set something up.