(no subject)

Mar 28, 2007 16:22

Alright, so I'm sitting here in the Watterson dungeon because I'm being a nice friend for a weird person who can't stand going to a computer lab. I don't understand people who have anxiety about the weirdest things. For instance, in my KNR 254 class today we were talking about anxiety in exercise settings. While a sense of anxiety can be a good thing, at the same time, it doesn't need to be there. So you're worried about looking like an idiot in front of all the hot girls in scantily clad training gear, or the ginormous dudes who are benching close to 7 million pounds (ok it was only 750). I have a secret for you, You do look like a fuckin' idiot. But you know what? So did they when they started. Then they built up confidence and kept at it, low and behold...Hottie, and Andre the Giant. There were a couple of girls who were saying that gender exclusive gyms is where it's at. The professor backed them up on this saying how we take most of our social judgments based off of the opposite sex, which I had to disagree with. I mean, when I'm watching late night info-mercials and this new training system PAX-90 is on, I'm not worried about looking toned, slim, with amazing curves. I'm more worried about looking better than the guy who has a god damn 12 pack, lats that look like wings, and you can see every single vein in his arms. I judge myself more on my peers, specifically same gender peers. If you think of life as a competition, or a board game. Yes, think of life the board game. The object is to wind up not in the poor house, you get there by having a wife, kids, college, the whole 9 yards. If life is like LIFE, I want to be the first one to have a college degree, a wife, kids, and wind up rich in the big money house. So in esence, competing for a wife/girlfriend (yes I know how archaic, old fashioned, and darwinian this sounds), that means that I need to have the most attractive qualities. I'm competing against my guy friends. Women are competing against their girl friends. Who compares themselves to the opposite sex? Besides the people who are attracted to the same gender. I got all fired up and said my piece in class and no one agreed with me. I don't understand that. I mean, we compare ourselves to media icons, such as, I have so-and-so's chin, or did you see how jacked the guys in 300 were? I want an 8 pack! I don't say, did you see how defined Keira Knightely was in Bend it like Beckham? Or, whatever else ladies compare. I know what I compare about ladies, but...I'm not a lady.

This has gotten me so frustrated that now, I refuse to think that I feel anxious when ladies are watching me work out. Well, that's a bad example cause I never feel anxious around people when I work out. I'm there for a purpose, my physical health. If you go to a gym to pick up chicks or dicks, fine. Don't go to my gym. You'll just waste my time, and yours cause I'm happy. I haven't been this happy in a long time. So buzz off little bee, go sting someone else with the herp you picked up from the guy benching 750, I have no time for you. I've got a girl back home, I've got a career in the making, I've got classwork, and I've got friends. Therefor, let me work out in peace.

That's the main reason I don't work out in gyms, besides the fact that I'm a huge cardio guy. First, I'd rather run outside, live, breath get scratches and bruises from the uneven ground. Second, it's dumb beyond belief to shell out 10-350 bucks a month to go run a mile, do some sit ups, drink some bottled water (because it's sooo much different from lake michigan water), then shower and go home. I can do all of that for the price of walking out my front door. Who's the idiot now? Sure, I don't have machines, or a personal trainer, or a specialized diet made out for me. But hey, geniuses, you can do all of that shit yourself. Push the lawnmower instead of letting it do all the work for you, go swimming, rake your backyard, make a garden, shovel the snow. There's more to outside than walking from your car in the parking to inside the gym. One person agrees with me. But she's sick. She doesn't count as human.

Essentially what I'm saying is that....my classmates and profesor are wrong. I'm right, and I'm frustrated enough to go find a stray cat in downtown bloomington and kick the fucker into the street.

end rant.
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