
Mar 23, 2007 13:10

it rained this morning. and is still raining. fun times all around.

I was talking with a buddy earlier this week about alma maters and we came to a conclusion: going back sucks. You feel completely out of place, and on top of that, you feel old. We got turned onto talking about the staff structure and how most of the power figures are either leaving or being forced out by the school board because of the whole Mueller thing. As a future educator I think that the power of a school board is a truly intimidating thing. As a student I heard a lot of "well, my folks are good friends with so and so on the school board and they'll get me a passing grade in this class" When I was in class I would think, why can't you get the grade on your own? Or, No way that this teacher is gonna cave on something as stupid as a D to a C.

I got the chance to talk to some of my former teachers when I observed at Central over break, and talking to them they are trully afraid of the school board. Makes me think, is education really imprortant to these people? Do they not care about the kids learning environment? Because if they did care, they'd leave the teachers alone and let them do their job, educating.

I've got a lot of options coming up in my future...I know that my folks would be very...disaspointed if I were to take a job that wasn't what I've spent 4ish years in college earning a degree towards. The way I see it is, income is income. As it stands, my fall back option is in the fire department. This summer I'm staying down in Normal working at HD, and volunteering at the NFD. My degree does come into play along that route, particularly if I could go to schools and tell kids about fire safety. Plus, I really really really like fire.

In closing, school boards suck, going back to old schools sucks, fire is awesome.

End rant,
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