Feb 25, 2010 22:06
I faltered and haven't updated in a long time. So, some recent highlights:
-The Winter Olympics have been sucking me in! I was super excited for the hockey games, but I'm even finding things like skiing and speed skating interesting. The prime time coverage just sucks me in and the next thing I know, I'm watching tv until well past midnight.
-The landlord finally sent someone to repair our noisy, broken, and unpredictable garage door. He started out by trying to repair it, and I was pissed, it's BEEN repaired, it needed to be replaced - but he 'burnt' something out and had to replace it. Woohoo, it's sooooooo nice to have a quiet garage door that actually WORKS like it should.
-We took family pictures down at the Manhattan Beach pier last Saturday. There was rain on Friday night and Saturday morning was questionable, but it was a beautiful morning.
-Saturday night we did a Japanese Themed dinner at my house. My family came over and I think I finally figured out the best way to handle 'dinner parties.' I handled the munchies, salad, and dessert. My dad brought fried rice, my brother made curry and teriyaki beef. For dessert I made my grandmas cream puffs - so good!
-Justin left for his mission on Tuesday. We went over for one last Sunday dinner and said our goodbyes. I know it'll go by fast, but we won't see him until 2012, that seems so far away!!!
-I've been keeping up with the home cooking. I'm poud to say we haven't had a bagged frozen meal in awhile. I made an amazingly simple butternut squash flatbread pizza last night, it was a winner.
-We saw the Cirque show at the Great Park. Kooza was awesome. We're going to go see a show in Vegas the next time we go.
-We're still not up to our 4 full days at the gym, but we're pretty consistent with 2. Maybe March will bring a turn around.
-I started orthodontia. My teeth are pretty straight, but my jaw clicks and I always have headaches in my temples. They recommended a palatal expander appliance (basically like a retainer) and once we've expanded, then braces. I'm 1 week into the expander, and while I don't sound like an 8-year old any more, if I start talking too fast, I get all slurry and hard to understand. Hopefully I'll only have to wear this thing for 9 months because it's annoying, but I've got a goal in mind, so hopefully things go smoothly.
-The neighbor is driving me crazy again. I posted on FB when they woke us at 4:45 one morning with REALLY loud talking/borderline yelling, then just before 6AM it was blasting music and hanging out on their balcony. Last night from 2-3 there were a bunch of people just hanging out. Problem is they do it on their balcony and all the noise carries into our bedroom slider, or they do it right on the other side of the common wall we share. They are loud and apparently have nothing to do bue stay up until the sun rises. Thing is, I think it's actually the kids of the lady who lives next door, and I don't even think they live there. I hear her leave for work just after 6, so I highly doubt she's the one making noise in the middle of the night. I think they hang out there when she's out of town. I can hear them again tonight, music, probably 6-8 of them. It's not really like a party, but boy do they talk loud. I've already decided, if she's home, we're saying something to the neighbor this weekend. If I get grumpy enough tonight, I may even call the cops on them. I think it's f-ed up that they don't even live there, just use her place while she's gone and they're obnoxios.