Not much other than pictures, here. Lots of books, a few of pets, and a couple of dishes from dinner the other night.
Yes, We Can! and It's Lovely When You Smile, both lovely books. gorgeous illustrations with both native and introduced animal characters. (The main characters are obviously grey kangaroos.)
There's a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake, which was one of my favourite picture book when I first started school.
Noodle's knitting. The yarn and knitting in the book and on the cover is flocked, like seventies wallpaper. I'm sure it'll wear off over time, but it's a clever idea, and is lovely to touch.
Now, for the Gould's finds.
The Wombles. The edition's nothing special, but it's in good reading condition.
Benjamin Bandicoot, a poem by Banjo Paterson turned into a picture book.
Snugglepot & Cuddlepie. The gumnut babies in the picture are protesting, the big gumleaf banner reads 'we want more clothes', and the ones behind include 'more birthdays' and 'more sunshine'.
The Magic Pudding. I have to admit, I'm not terribly familiar with this story, as I never owned a copy as a child, but I do know that it involves a magic pudding that never runs out, no matter how much you eat of it. The fact that this pudding also had arms and legs and a face is slightly sinister. The pictures show the pudding being stolen from its owners by a sly trick, masterminded by Possum and Wombat.
My Big Beedtime Book. There's only a 1988 publishing date, but the flyleaf says that the illustrations are from the 1920s, and that looks like when the typesetting dates from, too, so I'd say it's a reprint. A very nice reprint.
John de la Fontaine's The Fables. The original French is in the orange bar, the English next to it, and one of the large Doré engravings opposite. Small Doré engravings are scattered throughout, with larger, full page engravings like the one pictured every now and then.
And finally,
Twenty Seuss for $20. I couldn't pass up that opportunity, since every copy I'd found second hand was about $5, for one book. So, these kids, along with the ones coming from Better World, have all the books.
A copy of Winnie the Pooh that Mum got from someone at school. Three of the books I ordered on her behalf were the other AA Milne Pooh editions.
Axel, Mum's ridiculous dog. My brother and his wife purchased him, then he yoyo-ed back ad forth between their house and Mum's for about two years. He lives here permanently now, thank god.
Merlin, my cat who lives here. He's a bit of a British Shorthair boy; he's got a round face, short tail, soft coat and enormous paws.
Staring Contest - Mum's two cats, Mist and Ginger.
Tamarind Duck
Pepper sauce (from BBQ Pork) and salt & pepper squid
Both dishes from our dinner at Chedi last night. I have to say, everything was great, as always, but the brown rice, which we ordered for a change, was amazing.
Now, all the sleep.
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