sh_221b_recs archive is updated! So, all the last month's stuff is up there, and ruthlessly tagged.
And then I thought, hey, why don't I try and track down all those random posts from 2010 where I was reading Sherlock Holmes stuff after the first Ritchie movie? So I did, and it's in
the post just before this one. And I updated my WC list, which is now officially too long for LJ, so it's just over at DW now, with a link in the LJ post to the DW list.
White Collar rec of the day:
Rainbow Sparkle Sunshine by
lionessvalentiA fic I rediscovered that's a bit crack and a bit fluff and gen and above all so magically in character that it's just a thing of beauty. Also, contains unicorns. No, really.
Well, because I didn't have enough to do today, I decided I wanted to put up a few pictures of stuff, so, here it is.
We have a whole heap of bananas, and a few were really nudging the super-overripe/almost-off line, so I made a Banana and Pecan loaf.
So many people make banana and walnut things, but I adore pecans. When I was a teenager, every now and then my otherwise worthless dad would make a banana pecan cake with cream cheese icing, and I would freeze it and eat it a slice at a time, over weeks. (I still love mostly frozen cake. And apple and rhubarb pie is amazing, when the fruit is still frosty, omnom.) At some point, I asked about the recipe, and he told me it was on the CSR sugar packet. It's not any more, but eventually
the internet gave me the recipe(pdf), and I was able to make it myself. I don't make it with chocolate icing like the person who put up the recipe does, but the cake itself is pretty darn perfect.
Dinner, oh wow. Rainbow trout with brown rice and salad.
Would you believe me if I told you the thing that took the longest was making the salad?
The rainbow trout was cooked for about a minute on each side with the pan fairly hot, then a little longer on the skin side even hotter to crisp it. The brown rice was a cheat, one of those already cooked packets that you zap in the microwave. The dressing on the salad is something amazing that Emma has invented. I'll have to get her to write it down; all I know is that it's got tamarind and kecap manis and soy sauce and this spice blend we have and a whole juiced lemon and liquid smoke and basil and probably a whole lot I don't remember plus MAGIC.
Emma isn't a liker of fish generally, and she likes this, so we'll probably be buying more trout. Which makes me happy, because I like it, and it's another form of protein and it's so damn quick to cook, which makes it a great summer dish to prepare in our west-facing kitchen.
O'Reilly has insisted on being on me, or near me, or on my ball of yarn, or on my yarn and my knitting, or, at one memorable point, on my knitting AND my laptop screen.
Those are my mostly-finished Carousel socks in the last one. I'm very near to finishing the body of the second sock. Both of them still need cuffs, heels and toes. Shouldn't take long before they're done, though.
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