Hot, hot, summer is so stupid.

Nov 30, 2012 21:47

My Nokia Lumia 920 is SOMEWHERE on its way to me. All I know is that it didn't arrive today, which means I have to wait until at least Monday. :(((( And fuck you, Telstra - free X-Box music whatever for a certain amount of time isn't a fair making-up-for-the-delay thing - I don't have an X-box. Therefore, your consolation is MEANINGLESS. Unfortunately, I've signed my life away to you for another two years so... I guess you do what you want.


Got a lot of things done today. Not ALL THE THINGS, but a few things we've been putting off doing. Still to do - book the dogs in for boarding, and pay the rent. Oh, and catch up on archiving 221b_recs, I haven't done that in a while.


Speaking of, for those of you who like fic from any Sherlock Holmes 'verse (
nathaniel_hp, I know you were looking), 221b_recs is a good, solid reccing comm. It's heavy on BBC Sherlock, but there's a fair amount of canon recs that go up there too, and there are starting to be a few for Elementary now that the fandom is building up for that. Everything is pretty well tagged, and if you can navigate the maze that is delicious these days, I can assure you that
sh_221b_recs is organised even better. Trust me, I'm an autistic pseudo-librarian. My tagging is magical.

For a more personal set of recommendations for BBC Sherlock, you can check out my Sherlock Rec Post of Dooooom (which is full of mainly older fics from early in the fandom) and my much shorter Sherlock recs: Modern retellings of ACD stories, which has a listing of great Sherlock takes on canon tales.


Suzanne is back, so I am free from poultry responsibility! All in all it didn't go badly. We lost two fairly teeny chicks, and one hen. And none of it in a horrific, shredded by foxes way, just fine one evening and cold by morning, so I don't feel responsible. They were fed and watered and checked twice daily. And no major casualties in the garden either; we even weeded a couple of times. (Which is more than I can say I've done for my own garden.)


Have started on the second Carousel sock, and I'm really enjoying it. It is so damn easy; if you're terrified of embarking on making socks, it's a good pattern to start on. And it's a great pattern for any fake fair-isle or crazy colourway verigate sock yarn you have lying around. I don't even think you'd have to use four-ply/fingering weight to make it, since you're knitting round and round the ankle vertically, not horizontally. You'd just have to measure the diameter right, and that's easily done, you don't even need a tape, you just wrap the knitting round your ankle.


One of the things we did do today is go into town, and the white peaches have started, OMG, so happppppy. I tell you what, I didn't care one way or the other about stonefruit until I moved out here, and now, it is just amazing, get in my mouth, om nom. The benefits of having a grocer that buys straight from local producers, oh yes.


Reading more Avengers fic, and more White Collar fic. Refound an old favourite White Collar sick fic last night that I'd sort of given up on finding again, and it turned out to be by
gyzym. Oh, man, why so awesome in so many of my fandoms?


My own WC fic is still away being read by awesome people, so it won't be posted just yet, but it will go up soon. Every day longer I take before I post it, the chances of it sucking drop. Even while it's been off at betas, I've been tweaking it. I always have this knee-jerk reaction to post immediately, and waiting on other people has meant I've got over that a bit, and now I'm just reading it once or twice a day and making it better. Or, rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. One of the two.

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food, fan fiction, knitting, rec, omgyay, white collar, to do, lumia, sherlock

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