Every few months, I feel the urge to pull this vid out and dust it off. The Thin Blue Line - masterfully illustrating the eternal fandom conundrum the world over. (The fandoms mentioned are Biggles and Sherlock Holmes, but feels free to insert your homoerotic/bromancey/femmeancy fandom or pairing of choice, and it'll still be relevant.)
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The important stuff:
1. Both interpretations are valid.
2. Your interpretation is no more valid than someone else's.
3. You will never convince everyone else that your interpretation is best/the only one, and really, (outside of good-spirited debate) it's obnoxious to try.
4. Your interpretation shouldn't ever be forced in the faces of celebs at cons or on Twitter or Tumblr, because that's just crossing the line from enthusiastic fan to creepy tinhattery. You spoil it for everyone and just get the fandom as a whole tarred with the same brush. And people will hate on you and mock you for it. Just don't.
5. Fandom is supposed to be fun. People forget this, and it should be the guiding tenet. If it's not fun, you're doing it wrong.
This entry was originally posted at
http://iamshadow.dreamwidth.org/355787.html. Please comment there using OpenID.