* New local herb identified - horehound! Apparently considered a noxious weed, but a google search turns up a whole lot of industrious land owners turning it into a hedgerow beer rather then poisoning it. Foraging FTW! I've identified a patch growing in a vacant lot of land next to the Court House. I'm going to dig a clump up and add it to my garden. It can't be any more invasive than the mint, and so long as I pull the seedheads off, it won't take over the world. And with horehound, I can make cough syrup, tea and hard candy. What fun!
* Just finishing the fourth chart of the Vernal Equinox Surprise Shawl. I think maybe I'm about half done? It's hard to tell, I'd have to do maths to be sure.
* Pruned a lot of hedge today, still have to get up on the ladder and trim the top, though. Didn't bother to water my newly planted elder and seeds. Obligingly, it started to rain to cover my lazinesss. Win!
* Sudden mood plunge yesterday evening was awful. Again, this evening it began, so I took an anxiety pill. Don't know if it's hormonal or if the antidepressant is starting to lose its efficacy after about 18 hours. Will wait and see.
* I want a medlar tree. Windy Hill Nursery have Medlars for $40. Alas, I have no damn idea where I would fit one.
* Pruning the hedge makes me wish that it was edible, or at least aromatic. It's taking up a whole side of the house and far above my head, and I can't even season a casserole with it. I know bay makes a good hedge, but I'm not fussed on bay. Strawberry or pineapple guava (feijoa) sounds amazing. I'd have to get a frost hardy variety, though. I know some grow out here, though, because through looking them up, I have identified another tree in the abandoned orchard!
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