Jun 11, 2009 21:55
The internet has been going sooooo slooowly the last day or two. A little while ago, we ticked over into our new month, so we're back up to broadband speed! WIN!
The last few days has been full of lots of fiddly finishing off of knitting things, making sure everything's done in time for the baby shower this weekend. I realised a couple of days ago how glad I'll be to be able to make something for myself, once this is over. It's basically been nothing but baby clothes for well over a month.
We went to the vet today and got some sedatives for Pippin, for when he's in boarding this weekend. Us leaving him is going to be highly stressful, and we really want to cause him as little distress as possible. Though he's been going well in pretty much all other areas, his anxiety has been flaring a lot lately. We gave him one this evening, just to make sure he was okay with them, and he's done well. He's been dozing a lot, and a bit wobbly on his feet when he's got up and moved around, so it's the happy medium between no effect and unconscious.
I'm very unfocussed this evening myself. I should be focussing on getting my knitting projects finished, but I keep sort of drifting off and getting distracted. I think I'll be in bed on time tonight. Either that or fall asleep on the couch, mid-stitch.