What the Little Bird Told Him
Well, Jim's demotion lasted all of one episode. I knew it would only be a matter of time before he got his job back, but I didn't think it would be this quick.
All this talk of the impending gang war is getting tiresome, but at least Falcone finally realised what everybody else knew, that Fish Mooney was plotting against him. I wish I could say that this is the last we shall see of Fish, but it seems like the people that make the show like her for some reason. I just wish that this whole gang war business would hurry up and get itself over and done with so we can get villains that people actually care about.
I'm still liking this version of Edward Nygma. He is just so adorably awkward. It's a pity that I know the relationship he wants with Kristin Kringle is doomed. It's what I get for spoiling myself and looking up the episodes online. I guess I will have to wait until the second season to see some actual decent villains. Although, that being said, there are some upcoming episode with the Scarecrow, so I guess that's something.
One thing that I did like was Jim's prospective relationship with Dr. Thompkins. She seems like a much more interesting character than Barbara Keane. I look forward to seeing how the relationship progresses.