Jul 27, 2009 22:53
And I mean that sincerely.
I think Twitter and the like -- things that give you instant updates you really might not care about at all -- are kind of overkill. So before today, my only exposure to the site/service was when I was looking at the wife's computer screen when she read her Twitter feed ... and the 73,897 Twitter reminders I see on TV every day.
And then I mentioned my novel in an LJ entry, and stochasticgirl suggested I do a Twitter feed for it.
I was originally going to do weekly 140-character teasers, but frankly, if I'm still doing those by the time I get through to writing the ending, at the rate I'm going (I've rewritten the beginning twice in the last month, and each has been 7K+ words, so it's not like I'm going slowly anymore), I won't even be through part 1 of the book in terms of giving a reasonable look at the plot and circumstances.
So I'll be updating no more than once a day, no less than once a week (unless stuff come up, but really, not being able to manage 140 character in a week is kind of weak), and I've sworn off changing the beginning again unless I get a book deal conditional on changing the beginning.
So. Read, ask questions, whatever. I'm obviously not going to get into all the specifics (have to have something for y'all to buy in this spectacular economic climate), but I do want to encourage interest beyond just the people reading the Google Document.