Feb 06, 2007 14:55
How many times can someone do the same things(mistakes)over and over and over and constantly repeat ones self before they finally learn and and make a change?Seriously,you would think that after so many years of either makeing the same foolish mistakes and errors that I would at least once in a while get a clue and do something different.I cant even use the excuse of well I didnt know or didnt realixe,cause quite often even before I mess something up or cause a problem/make a mistake,I will know that this isnt right,I should rethink,or even think to begin with and make a different choice/descision.That is of course when I actually make a descision,more often then not I fail to even to that.
So many failed oportuneites,failures and mistakes.Its bad enough makeing a mistake and or causeing some problem and or trouble,I mean that feeling sucks enough as is,but to know that I am stupid/ignorant enough to the point were I constanly reapeat these things over and over.I use to have the illusion that I learned and eventually figured things out,but as time goes by I come more to realize I never really learn a damn thing.Mush like I seem top constantly reap myself here.So pathetic its almost funny.Which sometimes I end up laughing at my foolishness,cause I just seem more and more cryed out.Yeah that is so manly aint it.
"aint nothing more pathetic then a fat man crying"
I am about as unmanly as they come.
Lost and confused.
Unsure of anything other then realizing that I dont know anything.
I generally end up being wrong about everything.Well except that I continue to repeat my failures and mistakes.Other then that,I dont know anything.
I beleive everyone almost all of the time,which how can anyone be that foolish?
I guess I have always been an easy person to lie to.Even after I know I was lied to I keep on believeing whatever I get told.Maybe I continue to beleive is that the alternative is not to be talked to or told anything.I keep coming back for more and more of whatever I get fed.
But then again I seem to wallow in my own misery.I dont think I would know what else to do if I werent feeling sorry for myself.At times I think I almost look for and or foward to the felling like trash,maybe in some ways I am somewhat masochistic.
Rather perverse to get some sort of sick pleasure out of makeing yourself sicking thinking about your own failures in life and trying to live with the illusion that its not my own fault.
But I know that most things are my fault.
Of course there have been things that I didnt do,that someone else did or caused or some such thing,but its not like I am the only one that had these or simular things happen.Other people get over it or through or deal.And whatevrr I have had to deal with or go through,heck there have been plenty of others that have had to deal with far worse and they find ways to get on with it.
Oh this self pitty nonsense is so sexy aint it.
Excuses excuses excuses,blah blah blah blah blah.