Feb 05, 2007 15:31
Here I am damn near 40 years old and I act and think and speak as if I am a child.
I may be one in the fact that I am probably as mature as a child or even less then one.I seem to be dematurizing,ok thats not a word but its the word that comes to mind,would unmatureing be right?Anyways.
I get more and more child like as I get older.Or maybe just all of the concusions over the years finally began to take too much of a toll and thats why I so lost and such.At least that seems like a convienent excuse at the momment.Or I could just be makeing one excuse after another as I tend to do nothing but these days.
But I wasnt always soo bad,now I may have always been a loser in some such way weather I realized or knew at the time,but there were times were I wasnt so ignorant and foolish,at least I dont beleive I was always this bad but I am not really sure anymore.
Self pitty,final proof of ones foolishness.
I make myself sick