
Jan 28, 2008 18:37


Uh. I thought I'd do one of these to get my mind off things since everyone else is. Even though I just did one like a month ago. lksdjngfoi'aufdhojkadfhkajdfhkljdgjdf

Top Commenters on iamnotawimp's LiveJournal
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1yuuri_isawimp 1092
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286paths 10
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95saku_chyan 1

Total Commenters: 97 (2 not shown)
Total Comments: 4431
Report generated 1/28/2008 6:37:31 PM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.7

...Wolfram, that's an even larger gap than before lskjfhlojfdh;ajfdhlkadjjsdfj And you account for almost a quarter of all the comments on my journal aldfkhjadopfhaojpdhoadfjhdafl;hjkaopdgjagfj

......Mom came to Shin Makoku today. She actually bought a wedding dress and brought it with her lskdfjhal;fkdjadjd She'll be here for the week. Dad and Shouri are coming later.

Mom said she was going to do some planning with Cheri-sama and... Anissina-san. Oh god I won't survive until Saturday aldfkhlakfdjhlakdfjhladfhaj


((OOC: Wtf when did the auto-LJ-cut option get unchecked? ;__; Sorry if you had to see that.))

akfjlhkfjdhlkadjhadfj, dhgfjsgjsfjgsg oh my god, sdfjhlksfdjhlkfsdjh, five days, uh-oh, wolfram's stupid ♥, save me, february, wedding, saturday

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