[OOC] Self-log~ ...again!

Jan 27, 2008 23:04

Here's the REAL log. Actually it's basically a fanfic, but it's Brawl canon BECAUSE I SAY SO.

Who: Greta and Conrad (lol no actual PCs whut)
When: The other night or something.
Why: Because Julia angst rocks and Greta's insecure child angst is adorable Greta couldn't sleep? And it was cute.
Rating: CUTE.
ALSO: Why am I the one who always writes non-crack!Conrad?
ALSO: If Josak saw this, I sure hope he has enough sense not to be jealous of a ten-year-old girl! :DD

There is also an illustration by Matsumoto Temari to go with this log! :OOO

Greta wandered through the halls of Blood Pledge Castle, clutching her handmade Yuuri doll close. She wasn't really sure where she was going - maybe she'd go to the kitchen to get some warm milk, or maybe she'd go see Yuuri again - but she was too restless to do nothing.


Hearing a voice calling her, Greta turned around to see a tall brunette man emerging from an adjacent hallway. "Oh, Conrad! Hi!"

Conrad smiled as he approached. "What are you doing up so late, Princess? It's long past your bedtime."

"Oh, I..." Greta looked at her feet as she squeezed the Yuuri doll tighter. "I couldn't fall asleep."

Smiling kindly, Conrad knelt down to be at eye-level with the little girl. "Well, we can't have that. Heika would be upset if he were to wake up and learn that his beloved daughter wasn't being properly taken care of. Would reading you a story help you get to sleep?"

Greta's eyes brightened, but she couldn't help but notice the sadness reflected in Conrad's own silver eyes - and the dark circles under them didn't go unnoticed, either. Regardless, Greta happily accepted. "Okay!" Taking his hand, the two started down the hallway towards the library.

As they walked, Greta looked up at Conrad curiously. "Hey Conrad, why do you look so sad lately? Is it because Yuuri won't wake up? He'll wake up eventually, so you don't have to be sad..."

"Ah." Smiling a bit sheepishly, Conrad nodded. "Yes, I'm sure that Heika will pull through. He used up a lot of maryoku, but... in Yuuri's case, it shouldn't be life-threatening."

Greta was silent a moment before asking, "Mazoku can die from using too much maryoku, right?"

Conrad slowed to a stop, and when Greta looked up at him, he seemed to be staring at something far into the distance. "...Yes. It happened once before... to a very dear friend of mine."

Desperately, Greta grabbed onto Conrad's shirt and tugged. "Conrad! What if that happens to Yuuri?! What if he dies and it's all my fault?!"

Conrad looked surprised for a moment, then knelt down, placing a hand on Greta's shoulder. "Princess..."

"It's my fault Yuuri's not waking up, isn't it?" Greta rubbed at her eyes as tears poured down her face. "It's because I've been a bad girl, isn't it? I don't deserve to be happy with Yuuri, because I was such a bad girl before I met him, and this is my punishment for it, isn't it?!"

"Shh, Princess. Greta, calm down..." Conrad scooped the girl up in his arms and wiped away her tears. "Don't say those kinds of things. You know that Heika wouldn't want you to think that about yourself. And he'll be fine, so don't worry."

Greta sniffled and buried her head in Conrad's shoulder. "Are you sure?"

Smiling, Conrad answered, "I'm positive. Now don't cry anymore. How about we go get a book from the library and I'll read to you after you're all tucked in?"

Greta gave a small smile and nodded. "Okay. Thanks, Conrad."

Conrad smiled. "It's no problem at all, Princess."


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