Jun 02, 2009 10:50
So, I've kind if been dreading updating about this particular subject that's going on in my life right now, but I figure I should get out some of this tension and frustration out that's been building up by keeping it all inside.
So, as I wrote in here a little while ago, my cousin (who's soon to be 18 and like a little sister to me) got herself knocked up. I don't usually like to use that phrase, but in this case "expecting" or "with child" seems too, well, nice and this is not a nice situation. So I went back home to NY this memorial day weekend so i could be there with my family during this difficult time and see if I could help in beating some sense into this girl. Well as I suspected she really had no interest in hearing from any "non supportive" family members or friends - yeah, try finding one of those girly. So apparently she's about 3 months along or so, not really showing or anything (shes naturally pretty thin and athletic) so it's almost like I kept forgetting she was even pregnant at all. What's funny is that that same weekend the People magazine with Bristol Palin on the cover came out - what a coincidence. It's like karma was coming to bitchslap me in the face itself...you see I was definitely someone who participated in the criticism of Sarah Palin (being Pro Life and Abstinence Only education, while her own daughter is out their floozin' around), so I guess I spoke too soon. What's also funny is that Bristol reminds me of my cousin a bit - both pretty, with long brown hair, good student, all around good kid. So I guess it was as much a shock for them as it was for us. I mean, having kids young isn't a new thing in my family (for ex: my other aunt had her first at 19) but they were all ADULTS - they graduated high school, had jobs, were married, etc. They weren't ruining their lives by ending up with some punk ass loser with no future or ambition (i do not count trying to "make it big" with his band), and they certainly didnt have the kind of support and future and opportunites my cousin does, all things she's throwing away.
Ok, I think i'm done venting about this for now. Pretty much nothing was helped by my going up there, except maybe my cousin likes me a little less. I seriously went with all the best intentions in the world - i was planning on being supportive and open like everyone recommended, but then i got there and that all got shot to hell a little.
On a lighter note, the whole weekend wasn't wasted - I hung out with some of my old high school buddies and we played some poker like old times, and I took my younger cousins James and Johnny to see Terminator Salvation. Awesome movie by the way...they even snuck Arnold in there (the original Terminator).
Hope everyone had a more eventful weekend than me.